Our Partners

Our QRNGs let innovators build advanced solutions for cybersecurity and computation.

At TECNALIA we are going to take Quantum and quantum computing transversally to generate impact in the companies around us.

Develop hybrid quantum-classical algorithms to solve complex business problems in the fields of Energy, Aviation, Finance, and Climate Change.

We create customer value in five verticals using off-the-shelf quantum technologies & parts.

We Solve Complex Problems Using Quantum Inspired Computing.

QURECA is the global provider of quantum resources and professional expertise needed to create value, make an impact and grow your business.

Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech is a deep-tech startup that addresses real-life quantum-ready problems.

Our Vision is to provide the world its first Quantum Communication and Quantum Computing based solution by creating a completely secure internet and communication at immense speed and security.

Global leader in quantum cybersecurity, recognized for its advanced quantum-resilient data protection capabilities.